MAPS Disruptivo 25 años siendo Líder en Ciberseguridad

Transformación de redes en la nube

Las innovaciones revolucionarias de Arista en redes en la nube impulsadas por software están impulsando esta dinámica transformación que entreteje nubes privadas, públicas e híbridas en una red de imagen única sin fisuras.

Contacto: Nayeli Mora - Ingeniera de Producto

Teléfono: 55 5387 3500 Ext. 570


Móvil: 55 5107 0386

Contacto: Carlos Valtierra - Inside Sales

Teléfono: 55 5387 3500 Ext. 584


Móvil: 55 5214 3999

Arista Networks

Es líder en la construcción de redes escalables de alto rendimiento y latencia ultrabaja para los entornos actuales de centros de datos y computación en la nube.

Arista EOS

Es un sistema operativo de red basado en Linux, totalmente programable y altamente modular, que utiliza CLI estándar de la industria y ejecuta una única imagen de software binario en toda la familia de conmutadores Arista.


Es un enfoque de toda la red para la orquestación de cargas de trabajo, la automatización del flujo de trabajo y la telemetría en tiempo real como una solución llave en mano para redes en la nube.


Arista ofrece las arquitecturas más eficientes, fiables y de alto rendimiento de red basados en la nube universal 10G, 25G, 40G, 50G, 100G y 400G plataformas se entregan con un sistema operativo extensible - Arista EOS

Transceivers & Cables

Arista ofrece una amplia cartera de transceptores ópticos de alto rendimiento y cables de cobre para centros de datos y redes de campus, con velocidades que van desde 1G a 400G, y alcanzan desde 1 ma 80 km +.


Zero Trust Security para la empresa Entrega de segmentación multidominio con integraciones dinámicas de socios

Cognitive Cloud Networking

Arista Networks has championed the guiding cloud principles of cloud leaders with network designs serving private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, enterprise and high-performance network use cases. These include the use of open APIs, cloud automation features, and self service provisioning and deployment – coupled with an open approach to network integration, customer programmability, and simplified standards-based deployment architectures.

Cloud-Grade Routing

Arista's Routing solution applies the cloud networking principles of "scale-out, simplify, software-driven networking" beyond the data center to routing use-cases. These solutions are based on Arista’s 7280R Universal Leaf and 7500R Universal Spine platforms, powered by Arista EOS® and CloudVision®. Customers can leverage these platforms for roles that require high performance Routing, combined with high port density and deep buffers, integrated DWDM with wirespeed MACSec encryption and cloud automation, which traditional Routers are unable to offer. With the Arista FlexRoute™ engine in Arista's R-series portfolio, customers can now architect, transform and modernize their Routing layer for different applications. Additionally, with the advanced telemetry solutions along with security at scale, delivered with Arista AlgoMatch, customers can avail highest visibility and security for their networks.

Cognitive Campus Workspaces

We are witnessing a massive transition in the post pandemic era of blurring the lines between the office, home, tele-worker in transit and users into elastic workspaces. Arista’s introduction of cognitive campus workspaces is a data driven model coupled with our unified dashboard for wired/wireless edge for next gen zero touch campus deployments. Together, with zero trust security, the cognitive campus drives multifaceted visibility for IoT and OT applications.

Hybrid Cloud

CloudEOS™ is Arista’s multi cloud and cloud native networking solution enabling a highly secure and reliable networking experience with consistent segmentation, telemetry, provisioning and troubleshooting for the entire enterprise. It can be deployed across the enterprise edge, WAN, campus, data center, on-premises Kubernetes clusters, and multiple public and private clouds.

IP Storage and Big Data

The networking demands of big data analytics, flash-based and scale out storage, and hyper-converged compute solutions are driving a migration from legacy fibre channel to next generation IP-based storage networks. These next generation storage applications require an open, programmable, lossless and highly available IP storage networking solution in order to support their unique traffic patterns.

Zero Trust Security

New digital transformation initiatives driven by IoT, cybersecurity, cloud native applications, hybrid cloud, and service delivery are driving IT organizations everywhere to reinvent their architectures. The new framework is blurring the known trust perimeters currently defined by InfoSec. Protecting distributed assets on-prem and in the cloud from cyber attacks as well as conforming to new regulations, requires a fresh approach to security - Zero Trust Framework - using open, software defined framework, across network, compute and security domains. In addition to enforcement framework, real time visibility into the workflows, detecting threats within the trusted zones and acting on them is essential to the new framework.

Service Provider

The rapid ascent of cloud computing continues to bring about profound permanent shifts in how applications and services are consumed, along with how compute and storage are deployed. In order to monetize on their incumbency and deliver continued customer and shareholder value, Service Providers will need to reexamine all aspects of their service delivery ecosystems, from technology choices and design to capital expenditure priorities, service and support workflows

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